
Archive for April, 2013

Only took a year or so…


Last year I finally after loosing real access to my website ( through my old Microsoft Frontpage software awhile before that, broke down and started a long rework of my site using more modern tools and techniques I had to learn along the way…

That made part of my site better, some not so good, but overall I think I have a better easier working site for me to work on, but, a lot of shot cuts I took I need to rework again down the line.

But, for now, I am happy, tonight I put up my last few pages, the index, whats new and some other stuff, and now I need to clean up my old files, remove what is not needed and so on.

But, it feels like a Great Milestone, and I hope it means I can start get stuff out there again and somewhat back to a more normal life…
Problem is my web building program is on a different computer then where I normally work, but I figure a way around it… 🙂

For now, you done good Linda, hopefully all works like it should!

Well Done!


Categories: Misc